To Be Confirmed
It is expected that players attend all training sessions but we do understand that life happens, so please if you are unable to attend training or your scheduled game for any reason, please contact your Team Manager as soon as possible.
All our coaching staff are volunteers, who devote a considerable amount of time and effort into planning training sessions, team rosters, sourcing games information and intern keeping you up to date. If players are continually missing from training, it impacts not only them individually but also the team as a whole and as a result their understanding of the game plan for the weekend. Please refrain from coaching your children individually at home, we encourage our kids to play as a team, with each player learning their roles within that team and what their team mates rely on.
Training is not a babysitting service, and we ask that where possible, while your child is training, that you remain at the club in case of an emergency.
At not stage will inappropriate behaviour be tolerated, whether it be on the field at training or game day, surrounding grounds or at another club. We ask that all children be respectful to their coaching staff and to eachother at all times.
Parents you are as important to the success of the team as are the players. Please communicate with your team manager, coach or an executive of the club to keep us informed of any issues (be it health or emotional) that may be going on with your child so that we an provide as much support as we can.